

Tugas Softskill Universitas Gunadarma Winter is a to tally time to go on vacation or tour to the favorite place. and the place i visit is sukabumi, jawa barat . I went to sukabumi riding a motorcycle with 10 of my friends for refreshing, and i think will be a tire journey. I and my friend choose sukabumi to visit because sukabumi have a beautiful place and the place not far from bekasi. So many cities my friend and i to pass. And i and my friends in sukabumi rent a villa for 5 day 4 night. There i and my friend take time for culinary tour or particular food like a nasi liwet, karedok, nasi timbel, lotek and sate maranggi and i like a sate maranggi. And then i and my friend visit the place tour like a situ gunung, curug sawer, and tea garden. And i hope the place no one people can pollute. People of sukabumi really kind and friendly and i like it and then people of sukabumi speak very smooth. The people there are very active at work. And sukabumi is suitable place to visit

Past Participle

Nama : Muhammad Adhari Alfaridzi Kelas  : 4KA29 NPM  : 14116665 Fakultas/Jurusan : FIKTI/SISTEM INFORMASI Definition Past Participle Past participle is a form of participle obtained by adding suffix in the form of: -ed, -d, -t, -n or –en, to regular verb in the form of bare infinitive or basic verb. In addition to the aforementioned suffix, past participle can also have irregular changes, that is, when the basic verb is irregular verb. Sometimes this form of past participle is also known as verb 3 (third form of verb change), so if you want to see a list of past participle or past participle list, you can look at the list of changes in verb form, especially for irregular verbs. Example of a Past Participle Example of a Past Participle (Adjective) Break-Broken -My hand was broken yesterday Spoil-Spoiled -The turtle was spoiled by Andi Bore-Bored -The Man is bored by the traffic Example of a Past Participle (Verb) Auxiliary + Past Particple Aux

Pengertian Dan Pembahasan Object Of Preposition

Nama  : Muhammad Adhari Alfaridzi Kelas  : 4KA29 Fak/Jur : FIKTI/SISTEM-INFORMASI Kelompok : 1. Anindita Suci F                    2. Hayu Pangestu                    3. Kevin Pramana                    4. Muhammad Adhari Alfaridzi                    5. Nur Romdani Object Preposition Object of preposition adalah noun, noun clause. pronoun atau gerund yang melengkapi sebuah prepositional phrase. Seperti yang telah kita singgung di atas bahwa tanpa adanya object of preposition maka kita tidak bisa membentuk sebuah prepositional phrase dan dengan begitu kita pun tidak bisa menggunakan preposition di dalam kalimat yang kita buat. Preposition objects are nouns, clause nouns. pronouns or gerunds that complete the prepositional phrase. As we have discussed in the objectless section of prepositions, we cannot form prepositional phrases and thus we cannot use prepositions in sentences that we make. Contoh kalimat Object Of Prepositi